
W:09 content

Capacitive sensing

I always liked the idea of things reacting to touch so started playing with capacitive sensing as it allows to make homemade sensors. Yet I have almost none of elecronics needed for stable circut. Trials with just wire with different additions ensurde- super tiny capacitors ( not enough) different resisors ( changed range but didn't really stabilise the outcomes) very weird plotter readings- going crazy with plugged computer ( was expecting opposite) wether I sat with my feet on the ground or not, and touched arduino board with hand- that one worked very weird with different readings in different places of board ( sure not to make a short, but just touching plug changed readings completely)... one position the reading totally stabilised ( for a moment, and then I moved), I'm still not sure if something is not wrong with my board as it sometimes reacts weirdly to the same code ( code stops working after some time, or it starts working after w while even thourh there is nothing of that sort in the code)


I really wanted to make playing and glowing jelly ( I specially made jello with addition of tonic to make it glow in the ultraviolet light). After some struggle I managed to make just glowing jelly reacting to touch. At first I was not able to add capacitive sensor library to arduiono IDE, and tried with just reading analog. After I managed to instal library I made a capacitive jello that glows with UV light when touched. I only have one bigger resistor it's a huge one (in a process of checking value) so the readings were very precise!

it works! ..
it glows! ( to make light a bit nicer I used my 3d printed led shade from week 3)

Ultrasonic sensor

I also played with ultrasonic sensor and tried to make led dim depending on distance. Yet I had a problem with readings, not noise but sensor had a suprised reading quite consistently at different ocasions, when removing hand from in front of it etc. The readings were completely outside of it's range ( in it's documentation it can detect as far as 400cm ) but the random readings I got were consistently around 2000cm (sic! in my bedroom), I based code on one previosuly tested one with different board, which makes me think I should test code with Node MCU. Otherwise I remaped the range of sensor for Led, yet the remap was not succesful in a sense that the diferences between values I was apllying were not very visible with single color led ( fading effect not sectacular to say the least)

normal readings of sensor with code)
the crazy one! (as well tried different remaps)